Join In The Magic Of Painting...

CLAIM Your Sacred creARTive Space in our Rainbow PEACEdreamWeaving Community Circle.
Add Your Unique Brushstroke of PEACE to 🌈TEAM PAINTBRUSH!! 🌟

FEEL the JOY of CONNECTION within our Divine ART Shine Connective Private FB Group.
BE in the ACTIVE Practice of Making PEACE with… Self… Other… ALL

BE held in Sacred Community as we Practice the MAGIC of creARTing Personal & Planetary PEACE.

We Are Stronger Together… We Are The PEACE We Seek...

💕 Give yourself the GIFT of creARTive Community 💕

A Glimpse inside...

  Welcome to 🌈 TEAM PAINTBRUSH!!🌟
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  🌈 TEAM PAINTBRUSH!!🌟 Gallery
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  🌈 Inspiring Your Practice 🌟 Rainbow PeaceDreamWeaving Painting Journey
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Hello I'm so glad you are here!!

"Together we are creARTing an Inspiring, Supportive & Fun Sacred Space to gather with a Focus on strengthening our Personal & Planetary PEACE Practice and Expressing ourselves authentically in Community. I remember feeling like I didn’t belong & holding back on expressing the Colour and PlayFULLness of my Magical Mystical Spirit.
Now we are each BEing called to be Brave & to Shine our LOVELight as authentically as possible ~ and this takes some creARTivity!

We are Stronger Together. We are the Peace we seek.”
I hope you join 🌈 TEAM PAINTBRUSH 🌟

- Araya Divine ~ Australia
Rainbow PeaceDreamWeaveBreathing SpiritSinger
Intuitive Life herARTist & Creative Empowerment Guide
~ Awaken to the Spirit of Rainbow Oneness ~

💕 Give yourself the GIFT of creARTive Community 💕