Ways We Gather Together

🌈 We gather together Quantum Style whenever we Choose to connect within the Sacred Fires of our creARTive herART through our Personal Planetary Painting Practice to Paint into the Energy we are Choosing to Expand for ourselves and our world🌟

🌈 We gather together Pop-Up Style in our Private FB Group or via Zoom. You will receive details via email so be sure you have opted in to receive emails from me in your Profile Notification options🌟

🌟If you are not receiving emails be sure you have ticked the 3rd option in the Notification section of your Profile that says this ~ Yes, Araya Divine I want to receive emails from you with communications about my courses including important information & invites to Monthly Studio Zooms & other special offers from Araya Divine ART Shine Connective (optional)

🌈 Thankyou for creARTing more Peace for yourself and our world! Yay!! 🌟

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