" I Choose LOVE" Painting Project!

This is a self-paced introduction to an Intuitive Painting Energy Practice with content unfolding over 21days to Inspire & Support You in Establishing & Deepening Your Sacred & Personal Painting Meditation Practice.

Open Up with ART Inspirations to Guide You in Weaving & Merging Your Meditation with Your Intentional ART Making allowing Your Energy of LOVE to become Visible & Expand more and more in Your Life and our World.

"I Choose LOVE" Painting Meditation Practice...

A Gently Guided Intuitive Practice...

The True Beauty of this Practice of Choosing LOVE reveals itself through the Sacred ART of Focus & Repetition. This is reflected in the Flow of this Project intended to Support Inspire & Uplift You as you Open Up & Deepen into your Sacred & Personal Painting Meditation Practice.

RELAX in the JOY
 of knowing that you are part of a Global Community of Sacred heARTists Expanding the Energy of the INFINITY of LOVE into the ART that is our LIFE.

Join us in Choosing LOVE Today...

A Glimpse inside...

  💖 Welcome To "I Choose LOVE" Painting Meditation Practice 🌟
Available in days
days after you enroll
  💕 Guiding Your Painting Practice ~ Celebrating First Layers 🌟
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🌟 Inspiring Your Painting Practice 💖
Available in days
days after you enroll

Feel & Expand The Energy of LOVE ...

I Choose LOVE.... I choose LOVE for myself.. I Choose LOVE for my life... I Choose LOVE our world...

Will you Join Me?

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Hello I'm so glad you are here!!

"Together we are creARTing an Inspiring, Supportive & Fun Sacred Space to gather with a Focus on strengthening our Personal & Planetary PEACE Practice and Expressing ourselves authentically in Community. I remember feeling like I didn’t belong & holding back on expressing the Colour and PlayFULLness of my Magical Mystical Spirit.
Now we are each BEing called to be Brave & to Shine our LOVELight as authentically as possible ~ and this takes some creARTivity!

We are Stronger Together. We are the Peace we seek.”

- Araya Divine ~ Australia
Rainbow PeaceDreamWeaveBreathing SpiritSinger
Intuitive Life herARTist & Creative Empowerment Guide
~ Awaken to the Spirit of Rainbow Oneness ~