Welcome message from Araya

Hello Beautiful One!!
It is so Wonderful to Welcome You to 🌈 TEAM PAINTBRUSH!!🌟

This is our Magical CreARTive Play Space within the 🌸 Divine ART Shine Connective Community 💕

The Invitation is for us to Allow our Divine Imagination & Inspiration to Grow within and All around us as we gather together within our Sacred creARTive Painting Practice.

We are Strengthened as we Deepen into our Personal PeaceFULLness through our Sacred Painting Practice.
We keep our creARTivity Flowing through the Focus of our LOVE & PlayFULLness and this overflows our Magical Energy into Our World Around Us.
We are remembering into our Sacred Personal & Planetary Peace Practice.
We are the 🌈 Rainbow PeaceDream 🌟 becoming more & more Visible through our Sacred PlayFULLness and this is a Gift for ourselves & All of Life 💕 Yay!!

Thankyou for being here with me in this Sacred Practice 🌸

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